Globe - Year 3


It has been an exciting and productive year so far in Globe Class. The year 3’s have settled in well to the daily routine and Mrs Laity, Mrs Shanahan and myself have been pleased with the organisation and enthusiasm from the children…we have won the attendance cup twice!

In the first week of term Globe class were learning about health and well-being. During this time we looked at nutrition and wrote a food journal to check that we are eating the right things to enable us to have energy and good health. We had the opportunity to learn about different clubs that we can join such as Brownies, Cubs, Karate etc and we baked some energy bars. Mr Patchett came in to do some exercise with us and we learnt about mindfulness and the importance of mental health.

As a result, we created a charter of what we are going to continue to do this year to stay healthy (see attached).

Since then we have been learning about our topic of “Peace”. This is one of our new core Christian values that we are exploring all term. It is linked to the Bible story of “Jesus calming the storm” and we have talked about how we can find moments of peace.

 Each child in year 3 and 4 have read the story of “Silver Buttons” by Bob Graham which is about how many different things in the world happen in the same minute. We all said what we were doing at the same moment in time on a Saturday at 3pm and the class have written fantastic stories telling this. They are illustrating their stories using different art techniques and we can’t wait for you to see the finished product.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to going to a netball festival at Newton Abbot College and then welcoming Sandhya Dave who is our Hindu visitor for this week’s different faith focus.  Photos and recounts to follow!

I look forward to seeing you at Parents evening after half term to share the fabulous work that your children have done so far.

Vicky Hunt