Spirituality at Wolborough


Spirituality at Wolborough:


'At Wolborough, we explore Christian beliefs and share experiences whilst respecting other faiths, feelings and values.

 Through curiosity and creativity, we learn about ourselves, others and the surrounding world and reflect upon this.'

June 2017


Some photos from our Pentecost day and Service


Some prayers from this month:


'Dear God,

Thank you for sending the Disciples to spread the word of Jesus. We will all pray for forgiveness.'


'Dear God,

Please help people go into the light of kindness and not anger and destruction.' - Josh



May 2017

Some prayers from this month:


'Dear God,

Please help people to follow in your footsteps.'  - Alicia

'Dear Manchester,

Please stop bombing because it killed 23 people and 59 got hurt. Help everyone to be the best they can be. It doesn’t matter what colour your skin is, we are all the same. Bless the souls of those who have died or been injured.'


Many thanks to Choice Words Book Shop who kindly donated some RE books through the Speaking Volumes Scheme.



April 2017

Some prayers from this month:


'Dear God,

Please help everyone to have peace and happiness in their lives.' - Cerys


'Dear God,

Please help people who have lost their family members and make sure that they are happy.' - Adar


Year 5 performing an act of Puja (Hindu Worship) as part of our Faith week.


Year 4 performing some Bollywood dancing as part of our Faith week.


March 2017

Some prayers from this month:

'Dear God,

Thank you for letting us be able to celebrate this special day and thank you for all of the books in the world.' - Amber


'Dear God,

Thank you for all the colours.' - Lily



February 2017

Some prayers from this month:


'Dear God,

Thank you for the beautiful world we live in.' - Amelia


'Dear God,

Thank you for this world and everything in it. Please help us to keep our core values and to look after this world.' -Passmore Class.


January 2017

Some prayers from this month:


'Dear God,

Help us to give courage all over the world.' -Brooklyn


'Dear God,

Please help everyone to be courageous.' -George

December 2016

Some prayers from this month:

'Dear God,

Thank you for all the people and animals.' - Jasmine

'Dear God,

Please help people to look after and respect animals.' - Finley and Leah



November 2016

Some prayers from this month:

'Dear God,

Please help us to remember those who fought in the war.' - Jamie

'Dear God,

Please let everyone be friendly in our lives.' - Finley



October 2016

Some prayers from this month:

'Dear God,

Please help people to play nicely so it does not hurt anyone.' - Danny

'Dear God,

Please help the new reception children to make the right choices and have a lovely time at school.' - Jessica



September 2016

Some prayers from this month:

'Dear God,

Thank you for not letting us give up.' - Evin

'Dear God,

Please help everyone in the school to persevere.' Chloe